

The 2019 General Chapter

The General Chapter of the Canons of the Order of Saint Benedict met in Sioux Falls, SD, July 16th through the 18th. The annual gathering was hosted this year by the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham. Canons from our communities in Victoria, B.C. and Tempe, AZ joined with the local community, oblates and friends.

We enjoyed meals together, social times and prayed the Daily Office together in the community’s oratory at Calvary Cathedral.

The priors of the visiting communities interviewed each of the vowed members of the local community as a form of evaluation of the community’s life. The priors held their annual meeting to discuss the entire Canon Community. The priors shared teaching about the Rule of St. Benedict with all of those present.

One of the highlights of the Chapter was the celebration of the solemn profession of Sr. Scholastica who vowed stability, conversion of life, and obedience to her prior for her lifetime.